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Inicio Enlaces WEB Sociedades Oftalmológicas
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# Enlaces web Hits
1   Link   American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Founded in 1969 to establish a qualified body of surgeons who have training and experience in this highly specialized field. The purpose of ASOPRS is to advance education, research, and the quality of clinical practice in the fields of aesthetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery specializing in the face, orbits, eyelids, and lacrimal system.

The Society has over 550 national and international members and sponsors several scientific meetings yearly. To help train well qualified physicians, ASOPRS also sponsors specialized fellowship training for postgraduate physicians who have completed an accredited ophthalmology residency.
2   Link   Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology (PAAO)
3   Link   International Council of Ophthalmology
4   Link   International Glaucoma Association
5   Link   International Society of Refractive Surgery
6   Link   American Academy of Ophthalmology
The American Academy of Ophthalmology is the largest national membership association of Eye M.D.s. Eye M.D.s are ophthalmologists, medical and osteopathic doctors who provide comprehensive eye care, including medical, surgical and optical care. More than 90 percent of practicing U.S. Eye M.D.s are Academy members, and the Academy has more than 7,000 international members.
7   Link   American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
AAPOS is the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. The organization's goals are to advance the quality of children's eye care, support the training of pediatric ophthalmologists, support research activities in pediatric ophthalmology, and advance the care of adults with strabismus.
8   Link   American Glaucoma Society
9   Link   American Society of Retina Specialist
The mission of the American Society of Retina Specialists is to provide a collegial open forum for education, to advance the understanding and treatment of vitreoretinal diseases, and to enhance the ability of its members to provide the highest quality of patient care.

Jerald A. Bovino, Roy A. Levit and Allen Z. Verne founded The Vitreous Society in 1982. The founders had a vision of an open and egalitarian society to promote the free exchange of scientific information and new ideas among vitreoretinal specialists. The first meeting of the Society was held in Palm Springs, CA in 1983 and was attended by less than 100 vitreoretinal surgeons. The Society continues in its mission to serve as a forum for the dissemination of knowledge in the field of vitreoretinal diseases and surgery and has grown to be the largest vitreoretinal specialty society in the world. Read more about our history as told by Jerald Bovino, MD.
10   Link   American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
The American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) is an independent non-profit organization founded in August of 1974 to disseminate information about anterior segment ophthalmic surgery.

Since 1974, ASCRS has seen anterior segment surgery develop into a highly sophisticated form of ophthalmic treatment. Through its educational programs and services, ASCRS has become the physicians' primary source of up-to-date information on scientific developments within the field, as well as the regulatory decisions that affect ophthalmic practices.
11   Link   World Glaucoma Association
12   Link   Canadian Ophthalmological Society
The Canadian Ophthalmological Society (COS) is recognized as the authority on eye care in Canada. We are the national specialty society representing ophthalmologists from across Canada. Our membership includes over 1000 ophthalmologists and over 200 ophthalmology residents.
13   Link   Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists
Support for Contact Lens Science...

Founded in 1963, and incorporated as a 501C(6) organization in 1964, the Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists, Inc., (CLAO), has grown to become an important medical subspecialty association. CLAO is dedicated to providing ophthalmologists, optometrists, and other eye care professionals with leading edge information in contact lens and related vision science.
An Emphasis on Education...

With quality education as its top priority, CLAO produces user-friendly learning programs that encompass contact lenses and other aspects of vision correction. These programs come to members via: a peer-reviewed scientific journal, an annual national meeting, courses and symposia, various regional meetings, an online newsletter, patient-education pamphlets and other media.

Central to CLAO's mission is support for the office-based ophthalmologist, optometrist, and other contact lens professionals; and thus CLAO educational programs emphasize the practical as well as the theoretical side of contact lens science and vision correction. CLAO educational offerings are designed to aid professionals at all stages of their careers.
...and Professional Support

CLAO strives to create settings in which researchers and clinicians can meet, learn from one another, and come away enriched. Likewise, CLAO aims to be an organization in which new practitioners learn from those with experience and experienced practitioners gain the satisfaction of mentoring young professionals. It is no wonder, then, that CLAO has become widely known as a place where achievement is recognized and where lasting relationships are made and maintained.

14   Link   Eye Bank Association of America
The EBAA champions the restoration of sight through core services to its members which advance donation, transplantation and research in their communities and throughout the world.
15   Link   Sociedad Mexicana de Oftalmología
Agrupar a todos los profesionistas de la especialidad de Oftalmolog�a en la Rep�blica Mexicana, as� como tambi�n a las agrupaciones dedicadas a la especialidad. Velar por el ejercicio de la citada profesi�n y especialidad en t�rminos de la legislaci�n correspondiente y de los principios cient�ficos y �ticos que orientan la pr�ctica m�dica en nuestro pa�s. Promover y difundir los conocimientos de la especialidad m�dica. Coordinar, asesorar, contribuir y avalar a los grupos, asociaciones e instituciones de educaci�n superior dedicadas a la ense�anza, estudio y pr�ctica de la Oftalmolog�a
16   Link   Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia
17   Link   Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologhía
Somos uma entidade que congrega um grande n�mero de oftalmologistas - cerca de cinco mil - do Brasil e mesmo do exterior.

Fundada em 6 de setembro de 1922, � uma sociedade sem fins lucrativos, de car�ter cient�fico.

Entre seus objetivos, destacamos:

a.. Fomentar a pesquisa e o estudo da Oftalmologia,
b.. Zelar pela �tica profissional,
c.. Lutar pela defesa, regulamenta��o e fiscaliza��o do exerc�cio da especialidade,
d.. Promover campanhas educativas e de esclarecimento p�blico sobre temas de higiene e sa�de oculares,
e.. Promover eventos, como sess�es cient�ficas, cursos, jornadas, simp�sios, congressos etc.
18   Link   Sociedad Chilena de Oftalmología
La Sochiof es una asociaci�n gremial sin fines de lucro que re�ne a los m�dicos oftalm�logos a nivel nacional, con cerca de 500 socios a lo largo de todo Chile. Su misi�n principal es promover el perfeccionamiento, la protecci�n, el desarrollo y la organizaci�n de la especialidad m�dica de Oftalmolog�a, as� como velar por su prestigio y su buen ejercicio �tico.
19   Link   Sociedad Cubana de Oftalmología
Estamos comprometidos con la excelencia en la prestaci�n de programas de educaci�n continuada y servicios a los oftalm�logos colombianos, velando por su bienestar y por el ejercicio �tico y cient�fico de la especialidad
20   Link   Sociedad Peruana de Oftalmología
La Sociedad Peruana de Oftalmolog�a fue fundada el 29 de diciembre de 1958, design�ndose el comit� organizador para elaborar el Estatuto y Reglamento, presidido por el Dr. Fortunato Trujillo. Como emblema se adopt� el ojo de la escultura del Lanz�n Chav�n, monolito que permanece en el Centro Ceremonial de Chav�n de Huantar.

Las actividades institucionales se iniciaron el 24 de junio de 1959 fecha de instalaci�n de la primera Junta Directiva presidida por el Dr . Jorge Valdeavellano y durante sus 40 a�os de existencia ha tenido 24 Juntas Directivas, actualmente cuenta con su local propio del Parque Luis F. Villar�n.
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